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Kill those you want to kill. After the battle, Mei Liangyu calmed down, his thoughts were clear and he was extremely calm.

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Bring him some breakfast, Princess. Sheng Xun, who was walking over, saw Qian Ying talking to Yu Sui, his expression changed, and he strode over, interrupting their conversation before Yu Sui could speak.

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Mei Liangyu originally thought that the strong and suppressing force was to kill Yu Sui, but he saw Wei Ren being swept out by the sea water, and then looked at Yu Sui, thoughtfully.

This is also her memory of Zhongli Que. It wasn t until the beginning of spring, when Yu Sui returned to study at the National Academy of Sciences, that he saw Zhongli Que again.

Shu Chujun said angrily, Gu Qian must have come to find Qian Ying.

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His voice fell into Yu Sui s ears. Although it was also cold, it was not like Jing Yunkui made her feel full of aggression and criticism, but instead gave her a sense of security.

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