
Community agriculture in the heart of the city

Employees from the Metro-Centro region, together with a group of medical students from the University of Puerto Rico, worked on the maintenance of the Buena Vista community garden of Hato Rey.

The group of volunteers weeded, cleaned and cleared benches so that the neighbors could start planting. In the garden, the reuse of materials stands out, as in the case of car tires that were reused, turning them into large pots where vegetables are expected to be harvested for the enjoyment of the community.

Para la Naturaleza has worked together with the Enlace del Caño Martín Peña Project, supporting them in voluntary activities, including assistance to community gardens.

“We have visited 3 gardens, Las Monjas, El Bohío and Buena Vista. We are here helping in the empowerment of the communities, working as volunteers to contribute with them”, said Melba Ayala, environmental interpreter for Para la Naturaleza.

“This space was a full of trash, rats and snakes. The neighbors joined to clean the area. When the Para la Naturaleza group arrived, we helped them clean and plant the space with the help of ENLACE program office.

“We are very grateful for the space that we have now ready”, said Mildred Rodríguez, a neighbor of the area.

Lianela Negrón, volunteer of the group of students of the School of Medical Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico, commented that “the experience has been enriching, it feels good to do a simple job with the hands and work the land”.

Para la Naturaleza will continue to provide voluntary assistance to communities surrounding its areas and nature reserves as part of their Community Fund.

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