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The front enemy headquarters of the Assault Battalion, facing the artillery cover of the devils, the atmosphere in the bunker was not as tense as expected.

If we continue to fight on a one on one casualty ratio, the casualties will definitely exceed our imagination I missed a big deal Kong Jie finally showed a smile on his serious face That s right, you are a good comrade if you know your mistakes Although the fortifications in front of us cannot withstand the bombardment of aerial bombs and infantry artillery, we can Use it as a one time fortification Put the Japanese and puppet troops close to fight, concentrate all the firepower to open fire suddenly, and withdraw after the fight is over, so as not to give the devils a chance to bomb us Not only can it severely injure the enemy, but also reduce losses There are three trenches on the mountainside, one trench killed more than a hundred Japanese and puppet troops, and when the troops retreated, they planted landmines in the trenches, and then killed dozens of Japanese and puppet troops, adding up to four to five hundred Japanese and puppet troops.

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Before Chu Yunfei could refuse again, his bodyguard suddenly shouted Tuan Zuo, the Japanese are here it should be the dozens of devils who escorted the weapons and ammunition in the morning , especially in marksmanship and hand to hand combat.

I didn t expect this kid to prepare such a big surprise for us, and directly annihilate the reinforcements of the Japanese and puppet troops Good fight Kong Er is so lucky, Huang Yu alone is better than one or two main camps Although the price paid was high, compared with the number of Japanese puppet troops wiped out by Huang Yu, this It is definitely an unprecedented victory.

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I don t need a good mine detector, but let the puppet army use their feet to detonate the mines.

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