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Boss, don t look at anything else, just look at this Confucian temple stele Chen Wenzhe was stunned What Someone told you that this stele is genuine Chen Wenzhe naturally didn t think that Li Tianqiang was unnecessary, so he soon realized something.

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An Ou is clear and full of joy, and the spring is full of shelter.

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In ancient times, quartz sand and alumina powder were not used as cushions at all.

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It s a pity that things from the early Ming Dynasty, as well as antiquities related to the imperial kiln factory, are not easy to find.

It s just that these reprinted steles are all high quality goods, and they are not modern remakes.

In the contemporary era, some leaders of the founding of China also commented King Shang Zhou was very capable, he was a man capable of writing and martial arts, and he was not as stupid as the evaluation of later generations.

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She said. No, no, it s not just Jin Chan, it s also the work of that young man. The young man You mean the one in the female general s room Yes, yes, he is the one who contributed to it Lao Zhang then told Yang Ruoqing that the wizard almost killed Xiang Shengnan, the female general rushed to meet him face to face, and then the two sisters fought.

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The purpose of their attack on Taiyuan is to force the Japanese army to return to help and break the siege of the base area.

How many people, how is the equipment Are there any heavy weapons Zhang Dashan, the commander of the cavalry company, was even more excited than Huang Yu, staring at Wei Dayong and asked.

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Kong Jie couldn t help but let out a long sigh. The hit rate is less than half of the devils Fortunately, we have more artillery than the devils, otherwise we will definitely suffer a big loss After speaking, he looked at Li Yunlong and said, Old Li, it s your mortar unit s turn to join the battle I ll get them ready to join the battle now Grab the microphone and contact your subordinates The former enemy headquarters of the Japanese army, General Sakamoto, also stood at the lookout to observe the battle situation.

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Train the puppet army by yourself, improve the combat effectiveness of the puppet army and then use the method of continuous sitting to make the puppet soldiers feel insecure and dare not surrender as prisoners Forcing those second devils to work for them What a powerful method After speaking, he said to Li Wensheng on the side Chief of Staff, the enemy situation in Northwest Shanxi is far more complicated than we imagined I suggest that the troops suspend the original expansion plan re investigate the surrounding enemy situation again, the more thoroughly the better and then designate an expansion plan based on the latest enemy situation The previous plan to mobilize prisoners to join the independent regiment must also be changed Before disintegrating the Japanese army s control over the puppet army, we must have rarely captured prisoners, and we will not be able to mobilize many people to join the independent regiment We have to report this matter to the brigade headquarters immediately If Lao Li and Lao Li Before Ding started to act, he immediately asked the brigade commander to remind them to pay attention to the Ergouzi in the defense area, and we must not use the method we used to deal does black seed oil really work for penis growth with the Ergouzi to deal with the Ergouzi in Northwest Shanxi Remind the brigade commander to prevent the devils If how to maximize penis growth during puberty we spread this new method of training the puppet army, our combat pressure will definitely increase exponentially Li Wensheng penis growth excerisises nodded and said The plan must be interrupted If you attack a medium sized stronghold of 300 people, you will lose hundreds of veterans Our independent regiment has a limited wealth and cannot afford to consume it I will send a telegram to the brigade commander in a while But I must remind everyone of one thing This time we attacked the Liuzhuang stronghold, we only captured Five thousand catties of grain, less than 15,000 rounds of ammunition it is not as good as the weapons and ammunition we seized in a small stronghold in the old base Especially grain, more than five thousand catties of grain seems to be a lot, but we independently There are nearly a thousand people in the regiment, and there are more than a hundred war horses, and more than a thousand mules and horses This little food is not enough for us to feed for three days Kong Jie s brows became deeper and deeper, and he hurriedly asked It s from the stronghold.

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Many records before that have disappeared. It seems that someone can control it and keep it from being known, let alone a more distant era, and Lin Haoming has a faint feeling I realize that some things in the ancient times are closely related to the Jiuyou Abyss.

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However, since the magic circle is arranged here, the secret must not be too far away.

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After returning to Feixue City, Mrs. Yudai immediately took Lin Haoming to a manor.

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In Jiatian City, there is a mansion for Lin Haoming and the other nine generals to live in.

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Now he can visit friends along the way. Maybe he can find a breakthrough opportunity by walking around.

I still have a little lotus root from the giant black lotus, which can be exchanged Lin Haoming signaled.

Tao Xian watched Lin Haoming hesitate, and persuaded again.

Jiang take this position, Hai Yuanhang realized that he was really just a small part of Lin Haoming s coming to Suzaku City, and even if Mrs.

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